Temporomandibular joint disorder or TMJ, as it is most commonly referred to, can cause very painful neck and head pain. It can also make it difficult to open your jaw as it sometimes can become locked into one position. A person who suffers with TMJ can have problems in chewing, biting, and a popping sound can be heard when opening or closing the mouth. Other symptoms caused by TMJ affliction are temple pain, jaw pain, neck pain, ear pain, and cheek pain. TMJ can occur due to inflamed muscles or tendons or when the discs become inflamed.
A chiropractor may be able to help a person who is afflicted with TMJ either by means of physical therapy or by education regarding exercise, healthy nutrition or changes in your lifestyle. Your chiropractor might also suggest massage therapy or meditation aimed at relaxing the entire body. He or she will probably suggest avoiding gum or hard foods as these food items can help to aggravate the TMJ condition. Using correct posture while sitting or standing will also be suggested which helps to reduce tension in the rest of the body. Moist heat and the use of a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory will also provide some relief.
When you see a chiropractor the first step would be to assess the area of your neck and jaw. He or she most probably will assess the spine area as well. Naturally, each person is different so each case will be different with no two alike. Some patients have more severe symptoms than others have and therefore, will require more treatments with a longer time span in feeling any relief from the planned treatment. Of course, the longer you wait to seek help for your TMJ or any problem, the longer the healing time involved.
In addition to any treatment that a chiropractor performs, he or she will also want to take steps to prevent reoccurrence once you are recovering. He or she might suggest some simple exercises to help to relieve some of your pain symptoms caused by TMJ. These exercises will work to help to relax your facial muscles and especially the muscles surrounding your jaw.
If your pain is severe and not helped by any of the means listed above, your TMJ may need to be treated with surgery.
If choosing to try chiropractic measures for your TMJ condition, please seek the advice beforehand of your doctor and/or dentist for guidance in your treatment.