Monday, April 19, 2010

Poway Chiropractor Dr Rode Talks About Why Some Patients Need Heal Lifts

One of the reasons why patients may suffer from low back pain is because the have what is called an anatomical short leg. There are two types of short legs anatomical and functional. A functional short leg is when one of the muscle is contracted and causes the feet to be different on a leg length check. An anatomical short leg is something that shows up when an X-ray film is taken. Some times if the difference is large enough a heel lift for the shoe may be warranted. When you put in heal lifts and there is a large difference say 15 mm it is important to start off slowly. Start with a 3 mm lift then go to a 6 mm lift then 9 mm and then a 12 mm lift. If start of with the 12 mm lift you can actually be causing more problems in the low back because the body in no use to such a sudden change. That is why it is always important to gradually increase the lift height.  For more information about your chiropractic needs call Dr Rode at Rode Chiropractic in Poway CA 858-391-1372

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