Friday, February 8, 2013

New Weight Loss System At Rode Chiropractic in Poway

For a long time I have been looking for a way to help my patients with their weight. Many of the complaints that people come to see me about are aggravated by being overweight. One of my patients told me about how she lost 60 pounds on a diet plan. So naturally I was interested. After seeing several other people I know use the plan to lose 40 to 50 pounds I have decided to offer it in my practice. I am now a “Health Coach” for this plan and will answer any questions you may have about using it to lose weight. To see some success stories just follow the links below to watch a short video about it

TSFL Path To Optimal Health

“Conversations With Yourself”

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Cheryl lost 134 lbs!*
I lost half my weight!”

“My physician beamed as she told me the news...”

When I started on Take Shape For Life I weighed 260 lbs. I wore a size 24 and had hit the threshold for diabetes. I was on medication for cholesterol and gastric reflux. My back hurt and I felt old. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be around to watch my four little grandchildren grow up.
I had spent two decades on a variety of diets. I fought hunger all the time and felt deprived. It didn’t take much to throw me off a diet and regain all of the weightplus extra.
I decided to try Take Shape For Life for one month to see if it would work for me. I liked the fact that Medifast Meals are pre-packaged because I was tired of counting calories and carbs. I was impressed that this was a nutritionally complete program, and I liked knowing that there was a well-planned, systematic transition and maintenance program designed to help me keep the weight off.
Now that I lost the weight, my cholesterol is good (161) without medication, and my elevated blood pressure has returned to normal. My back no longer hurts all the time, and I have SO much more energy!*

*Results not typical. You should not expect to experience these results. Typical weight loss on the Medifast 5 & 1 Plan is up to 2 to 5 lbs per week.

The success story represented in this advertisement is a Health Coach for Take Shape For Life®, a Medifast support program. 

Dr. Kip Rode


Rode Chiropractic of Poway, CA

Chiropractor Poway